St Michael's Church Of England Primary School


St. Michael’s believes that P.E, experienced in a safe and supportive environment, is essential to ensure children attain optimum physical and emotional development and good health. We deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical education and in developing life skills. We teach children skills to keep them safe such as being able to swim.  We teach children how to cooperate and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, understanding fairness and equity of play to embed life-long values. Our curriculum (we use PE passport) aims to improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children at St Michael’s, not only through the sporting skills taught, but through the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes.

  • All children receiving 2 hours of high-quality Physical Education each week regardless of the weather or other external factors
  • A commitment that all children are active, through encouragement to bring their kit, and having extra kit for those who may need it
  • Inclusivity by putting support for children with SEND in line with other subjects and differentiating
  • That children unable to take part are included by involving them in activities related to the lesson e.g. umpiring
  • A range of teaching styles and strategies to deliver the curriculum
  • Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach which endeavours to encourage not only physical development but also mental well-being. These events also develop teamwork and leadership skills and are very much enjoyed by the children
  • Children in Year 4 attend a 1 hour swimming session for 17 weeks, as well as some children participating n a local swimming gala
  • Year 6’s engage in a ‘sports leaders’ course at the start of the year to develop leadership skills in sport, that can then be implemented during PE sessions and playtimes
  • There are a wide range of extra-curricular sports clubs on offer to pupils including: martial arts, dance, football and netball. These clubs are free of charge, with an offering for all classes
  • Classes will often participate in the ‘daily mile’ which is readily marked out on our playground


PE Progression