St Michael's Church Of England Primary School


Writing, spelling and grammatical conventions are integrated into a learning programme which sits alongside the skills of reading. Narrative and non-narrative writing are taught within our broad and balanced curriculum. Writing opportunities are linked to high-quality children's literature and real-life experiences. 

Developing writing skills is a key focus of English lessons at St Michael’s CEP School. Children are required to write for a purpose across a variety of genres, which encompass the full range of writing skills from narrative to non-narrative and formal to informal. 

Writing is developed over a sequence of lessons and is linked to a quality text, class topic or a shared experience.  Grammar and punctuation objectives are taught through the writing process, where possible; although some elements are taught separately in standalone or specific skills lessons. Teachers plan to incorporate the composition, grammar and punctuation objectives as set out in the National Curriculum.

Once children are able to write independently, they will be given guidance on how to edit and improve their work. Evidence of children using and applying their writing skills are assessed over several pieces of writing.  These objectives are taken from the National Curriculum for writing and broken down for each year group. In assessing the writing, the teacher uses the draft and edited work to find evidence of objectives being used independently. Over several pieces of writing, this enables the class teacher to identify gaps and objectives that need to be further addressed in lessons.

Spelling in Ks1 is taught daily through the Read Write Inc phonics programme and is delivered at age-appropriate expectations. Children in Year 2 are set a weekly spelling test which features words with key phonemes, basic spelling rules and high frequency words. The words to learn are shared with home.

In Ks2 all classes follow a spelling scheme based on learning spelling patterns and rules.   Children are tested on these spellings weekly. The spelling lists are sent home to be learned each week and the spelling rules are taught in class. Every year we hold a school ‘Spelling Bee’. Children are tested on words taken from the National Curriculum for their year group. All children are invited to represent their class and house as a spelling champion.


Handwriting is taught using Read Write Inc in the Early years and Year 1. As the children recognise how to form each individual letter correctly they begin to learn on the Twinkl handwriting scheme. The scheme teaches letter size, formation and joins as it moves through the year groups.

Writing Progression Grids